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4 Steps to Make Your Home Easier to Clean

Whatever your circumstances, it’s more than likely that you’re spending a lot more time at home. You may be working from home and need to transform part of your living space into a workspace. You may be homeschooling your kids using resourced provided by their school. Or you may be restricted from spending your leisure time outside the home. Whatever the case, as your home is full for a greater proportion of the day, you may find that it’s much, much harder to keep clean and tidy. 

Here are some tips that will hopefully make it easier…

Purge your space of clutter

A few ornaments and trinkets here and there can lend your home charm and character. However, as we acquire more possessions over time, the empty spaces in your home can get more and more full. Bare surfaces can become littered with belongings. Moving them to clean the surfaces can become more and more of a chore. Thus, it becomes increasingly tempting just to leave them be. This can make for a combination of dust and clutter which not only diminishes your interior’s aesthetic, it can actually add to your stress and anxiety levels.

Keep your home clutter free and you’ll find that those unadorned spaces are much easier to keep clean, drawing attention to the carefully curated items you choose to display to lend your home personality.

Invest in double hung windows

Even the cleanest and tidiest interiors can be undone when the windows sport a layer of dust and grime. Windows need to be cleaned from the inside as well as the outside to look sparkling clear. And that can take some doing, especially at the moment. Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, your windows likely aren’t getting the care and attention from your window cleaner that they’re used to. Cleaning them yourself is much easier when you invest in a double hung window. These open from the top and the bottom, making them much easier to clean. They also look great, they’re versatile and can fit into any home aesthetic.

Beautify your sofa with removable covers

If the upholstery of your sofa is looking the worse for wear, it can detract from the impact of even the most carefully sculpted aesthetic. Some stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove from the sofa. If you don’t feel like scrubbing rigorously with baking soda every time your youngest spills a drink, consider investing in some removable sofa covers. These have come a long way in recent years. They look great, you can change them according to the season (or your mood) and they are easy to remove and wash in the event of a spill.

Rethink your floor

Finally, with the whole family (and pets) coming and going your floor is likely the thing that gets dirtiest fastest. Vacuuming and scrubbing away at carpet stains can become a nightmare that adds to the stress of lockdown. Maybe it’s time to invest in new flooring for your home. This needn’t necessarily be time consuming or expensive. Stained concrete with a protective sealer is super easy to keep clean and looks great for homes with a contemporary aesthetic. You can always add machine washable rugs to provide a little warmth and texture.

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