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How to Win at Losing Weight

How to Win at Losing Weight


It seems like at one time or another, we all want to lose weight.  And it seems that at one time or another we’ve all failed at losing weight.  It’s a simple theory, but when putting that theory into practice, it somehow becomes not so simple.  Breaking it down into a few small steps can help to make that theory become a reality and keep you on track to be successful in your weight loss goals.

      1. Create a plan.  The foundation to any weight loss plan is to create a realistic plan.  Your plan should include all the basics: drink lots of water, watch your calorie intake, make smart food choices, and get moving.  Easier said that done, right?  There are a ton of programs out there that you can take advantage of to break it down even further for you, making your plan literally delivered to you in your inbox.  One of my favorite programs to get you started is the Biggest Loser Bootcamp.  No need to worry about one of the trainers in your face at the gym – instead, it’s all delivered to you online.  You get access to meal plans and recipes, workouts with video instruction, and daily motivation and support.  Not sure if it’s for you? Try The Biggest Loser Bootcamp for FREE.  You can try Bootcamp FREE for 15 days and cancel if it’s not for you.  But after 2 weeks of trying it, you’ll definitely see some positive results and want to keep at it!
      2. Get organized. Once you’ve figured out which plan is right for you, it’s time to organize your life to make that plan work.  Some of the things that make my life easier when trying to make my plan work, include meal prep, laying out my workout gear, and setting the DVR to record my favorite shows.  Obviously those are in order of importance to me and how things work the best in my world.  I really want to stress meal prep though.  When you have your food prepped ahead of time so you can just grab your lunchbox and head out the door for work, it is nearly impossible to fall off the wagon.  Without having your food prepared though, you’re setting yourself up to make excuses and run late, thus leading to an impromptu trip to the nearest bad food decision possible.
      3. Build your support network. Some people don’t feel comfortable talking to others about their weight loss goals, but telling others is key to your success.  I’m not saying you need to tell every stranger you meet in an elevator, but you definitely need the support of those who are closest to you.  Your family, friends, and co-workers can be critical in helping you stay on track with your weight loss goals, but they can’t help motivate and encourage you unless you let them know what your goals are and how they can help.  Which leads me to the next way to win at weight loss…
      4. Set goals. Far too often when we set out on a weight loss journey we set our sights on a number we want to see on the scale.  And far too often that number feels like lightyears away from what the scale says now.  That’s the first step in failing to lose weight.  It’s great to have an “end goal,” but it’s important to set smaller, more realistic and attainable goals.  So if you want to lose 50 lbs, set your first goal at 5 lbs.  You’ll reach this goal much faster than your end goal, and when you do, it will only inspire and motivate you to get to the next 5 lbs, and so on…see how that works? 🙂  Don’t just focus on goals related to the scale either.  It’s perfectly fine to set goals that focus on getting enough servings of fruits and veggies or hitting a calorie-intake target.  Maybe you want to set a goal to get into the next pants size down drink a gallon of water daily.  Whatever it is, keep it realistic, keep it small, and talk about it with your support system so they know how to keep you pumped!
      5. Celebrate. It’s important to celebrate every milestone.  From beginning to end.  And it’s also important to plan your celebrations so they don’t turn into food-related occasions.  Our culture is very focused on involving food at celebrations of all kinds, so it’s natural to want to go out for drinks when you hit a certain milestone or a fancy dinner to show off that dress that you can now fit into.  While those things are certainly acceptable in moderation, try to think of ways to celebrate that won’t derail your hard-earned progress.  Lost 5 lbs?  How about a new bottle of nail polish?  Drank a gallon of water every day for two weeks?  Maybe it’s time for a new water bottle.  Get creative with how you celebrate your victories and the rewards you’ve earned.  And like above, tell your support system about your plans – they’ll be excited to help get to those milestones!


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