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Don’t forget to laugh!

Sometimes life is hard.  I doesn’t have to be and I can’t imagine anyone sets out to make it that way, but it happens.  And with that comes a lot of seriousness, frustration, anger, and a lot of other heavy emotions.  In the midst of dealing with these, it’s important to always try to find the lighter side of things or even a brief moment that makes you smile, or better, laugh.  You know the old saying “laughter is the best medicine” and I really do believe it can help us have a life that is a bit more enjoyable.  I always appreciate a funny moment during a serious meeting when things feel tense or even at the gym when I’m getting frustrated with a certain exercise.  I stumbled upon this quote and I absolutely love it!  “Laughter is an instant vacation.”  So true!  It’s a quick escape from some negative feelings, so do yourself a favor and always try to find the lighter side of a bad situation – it helps!

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