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Eat Healthy for National Women’s Health Week

National Women's Health Week | Rosewood and Grace

Rosewood and Grace

National Women’s Health Week 2017

It’s National Women’s Health Week 2017 and today I want to share some tips to help you eat healthy.

One of the best pieces of advice I can offer to help you eat healthy is to keep healthy choices around!  Seems pretty obvious, right?  That’s because it is!  When you leave a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter, in plain sight, you’re far more likely to reach for that apple or banana on your way out the door.  Likewise, by keeping junk food behind closed doors, or better yet, out of the house entirely, you’ll find it’s far easier to make healthy choices.

Another tip to help you on your journey to eat healthy is to avoid sugary drinks and drink water.  Drink ALL the water.  Ok, maybe not ALL the water, but you get the point!  🙂  By drinking water throughout the day, during activity, and before and during meals, you are saving a lot of calories from not consuming sugary beverages.  Drinking water also has a lot of health benefits, like aiding in keeping your temperature normal, protect your spinal cord and other tissues, and lubricate and cushion joints.  Not to mention, drinking lots of water help keep your skin looking great!

Check out the graphic below from the Office on Women’s Health for additional facts and tips to help get you on the path to eating healthy.


What tips do you have to eat healthy?




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