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Guest Room Essentials

Guest Room Essentials and Free Printable

I don’t know about you, but I love having friends and family come visit.  I love getting to show them around our town and catch up on all the things we’ve missed.  One thing that I’ve noticed from having visitors is that I have been doing a horrible job at making sure they felt welcomed in every aspect and had everything they need!  Ok, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, I mean, I still made sure they had a clean room to sleep in and of course I fed them, but I hadn’t really ever given much thought to going the extra mile to make sure they felt truly welcome.  Given that thought, I decided to stockpile our guest room with all the guest room essentials to make sure that not only would our guests feel welcome, but they’d want to come back! 🙂

To start, I broke down the essentials into 4 categories to make sure I had all my bases covered.  Those four categories are: the essentials, entertainment, personal care, and snacks.  Once I knew what I was looking for, I headed to the Dollar Tree to stock up!  I love the Dollar Tree for guest room essentials because you can get all the necessary items without spending a fortune!  This makes it easy to replenish your supply after you’ve had a guest come for a visit.

So, are you ready to check out how easy it is to get your guest room set up to be nicer than a hotel?  Let’s get started!

The Essentials

There are only a few things that guests really truly need to feel relaxed and comfortable in your home, and that’s water and wifi access. 🙂  However, you can also supply a few more things to make sure they easily get settled in, and of course, you can make it pretty too.


I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve stayed at someone’s house and either stayed up later than them or gotten up long before they did, only to find myself lost in boredom.  So help your guests out a bit by leaving some form of entertainment.

Personal Items

No matter how much you travel, you’re most likely going to forget something.  This holds true for your visitors, so plan accordingly to save them from having to run to the store or ask you for something.  The main things to keep on hand are likely to be the types of things you use on a daily basis.


It really sucks when you’re staying at someone’s house and you’ve had dinner then went to bed, but now you’re hungry again!  Some guests will just raid your fridge or pantry on their own, but some may be more polite and decide to tough it out through the night because they don’t want to be rude.  Put some quick snacks in the drawer for them so they don’t have rummage or starve!  The dollar store has plenty of snack ideas and can allow you to put a variety of snack out for your guests, ranging from semi-healthy to semi-not. 🙂


So there you have it!  For roughly about $20 you can set your guests up with everything they may need while visiting your house.

Don’t forget your free printable!

Before you go – grab your copy of this free Guest Room WIFI Access Printable!

Click here to download!








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