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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I’m so excited that 2016 is finally here – this is going to be a big year!  Obviously with a new year comes new goals, and this year is no different!  I may be a bit crazy, but I’ve got a ton of things I want to accomplish this year in terms of home projects and I’m trying to get most of them done before the baby comes.  That means I have 5 months to tackle a giant list of projects, both big and small, to get our home looking great before we bring home our new little addition to the family. 🙂

Aside from home projects, I also have personal goals, like reading a book a month.  I used to love to read, but I’ve let myself get away from it in the past couple of years and it’s time to make an effort to get back into it.  Another reason for setting this goal is to give myself some quite, non-tech time before bed.  I don’t fall asleep super easily and a lot of that has to do with the fact that I sit in front of a computer all day, then more at night.  So for the sake of better sleep hygiene, unplugging from technology and reading at bedtime should help me be able to get to sleep faster.

And of course, what would a new year be without some health & fitness goals?  Of course, my main goal this year related to health is to safely deliver a healthy baby.  And while this may be crazy, I want to run a half-marathon by the end of the year.  Now, when I say “run,” please know that I’m using that word very loosely.  😛  I’ve done several half-marathons over the years and while having a baby in June may make this goal a bit tough, I definitely want to something to keep me driven to get back in shape after baby, and this is it.  There may not be an organized half-marathon at the time I’m ready in my part of the country, but that’s the awesome thing about the running community – there are several virtual runs that can be completed on your time anywhere, so that’s probably the option I’ll go for when I’m ready.

Hopefully you’ve taken some time to reflect on your accomplishments for the last year and set some new goals for the new year.  2016 is going to be a great year!

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