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How To Maintain Your Home For Longevity

Every day many obligations and tasks are vying for your attention and valuable time. Some need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, etc. And, some must be done immediately. It’s helpful to try and avoid that last category – especially when it comes to home repairs. Maintaining your home’s health on a routine schedule will not only save you time but will also save you money in the form of emergency repairs and avoidable collateral damage. To reframe your relationship with your home, consider its maintenance schedule much like you schedule your medical appointments or vehicle maintenance.


One of the most important factors in your home’s health is the roof. Roof Replacement may need to be scheduled after the 15-year mark of the roof’s lifespan or after a particularly damaging storm. When the unfortunate occurs or when it’s just that time in your home’s life, seek out the experts in roof replacement to make the whole process seamless and easy. And, as a gentle reminder, remember to maintain your roof for greater enjoyment and longevity. 


While the gutters on your home may look inconsequential or lacking in character, they are powerful yet minimal tools in the protection of your foundation. Gutters move the water away from both your roof and the structure of your home. This is vital to keep an excess of water from moving into the ground next to your home’s foundation. Water is powerful and can erode the soil and your landscaping efforts away from the house. Even a small amount of water has the potential to cause cracks in the foundation which can lead to mold, bug infestations, and structural damage. All of these problems result in higher costs in repair than in the cost of proper maintenance of the gutters. 

Gutters should be cleaned twice per year – once in the spring and once in the fall. This will prevent leaves and twigs from accumulating inside the channels and stopping efficient water flow. To this end, ensure that any trees near your home are trimmed back routinely to prevent them from falling into the gutters. This can be accomplished on the same maintenance schedule as the gutter cleaning.

Water Heater

Water heaters require routine inspection and maintenance to prevent unfortunate leaks and the resulting water damage that could ensue. Since even small amounts of water can cause major and costly repairs, it’s important to take care of your water heater. All water heaters accumulate sediment over time. Depending upon where you live, you may have more sediment than others. An easy step you can take yourself is to drain your water heater annually to rid it of sediment and increase its longevity. 

Here is a useful tutorial on how to drain a water heater. As always, contact a professional should you need assistance.


When checking your home’s foundation, be sure to inspect both the inside and the outside. Check the interior of your basement for cracks in the floors and walls. Look at all surfaces, but pay special attention to the areas around the windows. Look at the points where the corners of walls and floors meet, as well. Often these are where the beginnings of cracks will form. It is worth the effort to move storage items in a utility room to inspect the floor since most homeowners don’t install carpeting here. Consider it an opportunity to clean and go through boxes that go untouched for years.

While this list isn’t exhaustive, it’s important to keep a handy checklist of all the essential homeowner’s maintenance items on hand so that you’re not caught off guard with repairs. Like most things in life, it’s good to be prepared.

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