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Rosewood and Grace Life Update

Hi friends! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything new here, so I just wanted to check in with you briefly to give you an update on what’s happening in the Rosewood and Grace world these days.

Unfortunately, for the last several weeks my sweet kitty Stinky had been declining in health fairly quickly.  After a few vet trips without anything conclusive, she became too weak to eat or walk any longer and we were forced to say goodbye to her this past weekend.  Stinky was truly my best friend and has been for the past 14 years, so saying goodbye has been very rough on me.  I’ve taken some time to grieve and have also thrown myself into projects to keep myself busy, and am now ready to get back to work.  Every day gets a little easier, but this house will never quite be the same.

So for those of you who have checked in on me through text, facebook, email, or instagram – thank you. 🙂

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