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Schedule Your Annual Exam

National Women's Health Week 2017 | Rosewood and Grace

National Women’s Health Week 2017

Perhaps the easiest thing you can do for your health will only take 1 minute of your time – schedule your annual exam!  Sure, it takes a bit of time to actually go to the doctor’s office to have the exam completed, but scheduling is the first step.  This is one of those tasks that I believe many of us put on our to-do lists and just “never get around to it.”  So now’s the time!  Pick up the phone or go online (yep, some docs offices actually let you make appointments without even talking to a real person now!) and schedule your annual exam!

You may be thinking “I feel fine though, there’s no rush to get my annual exam, right?”  Wrong!  This is the perfect time to get in for your well-woman visit!  This will allow you to get all of your biometric data (heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, etc…) updated to make it easier to track changes that may indicate issues later on in life.

Why else should you schedule an annual exam?  Check out the infographic from the Office on Women’s Health for more information!



So what are you waiting for?  Schedule your annual exam today!


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