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Three Steps to a Healthier Home

Your home living environment plays a crucial role in your health and well-being. As it is somewhere that you spend most of your time, it is no surprise that your home can directly impact every area of your life. Creating a home that offers a healthy place to live brings so many benefits for you and your family. If you are keen to make your home as healthy as possible, these tips should help you to get started:

Keep Up With Repairs and Maintenance

A well looked after home is more likely to be a healthy place to live. Keeping up with regular maintenance and getting repairs made quickly are the best ways to ensure your home is both a healthy and safe environment.

Your cooling and heating systems require regular servicing to ensure the air quality in your home remains at a healthy level. If you suspect a problem, you will need to get an ac repair as soon as possible to ensure your air quality is not impacted.

By keeping up with regular maintenance and getting repairs made quickly, you should be able to protect your property from many potential issues that could impact your family’s health.

Ditch the Clutter

Apart from making your home messy, clutter is bad for your health in several ways. Clutter acts like a magnet for dust, so having piles of stuff around your house can be bad news if you have allergy sufferers or anyone with respiratory difficulties in your household. Clutter can also be bad for your mental health and can send your stress levels soaring. It is almost impossible to feel organized and in control of your life when constantly stepping over the mess and searching for objects you cannot find amongst the clutter. From a safety point of view, clutter is both a trip hazard and a potential fire risk, so getting your home clutter-free and tidy is essential to keep your home healthy.

Banish Mold

Discovering you have mold or mildew in your home can be a shock. The unsightly black spots or furry mold that grows indoors not only look bad, but they are potentially bad for your health too. If you have family members with mold spore allergies, they may experience symptoms inside the home. The allergy can cause the affected person to cough; their eyes and throat may feel itchy and irritated. People with asthma may see their condition triggered by mold in the home leading to shortness of breath, wheezing, and a tight chest. 

Keeping your home as mold-free as possible is essential, and there are a few simple things you can do to help. Using the extractor hood when cooking on the stove will help prevent mold in the kitchen. In the bathroom, it is helpful to open the window or use an extractor fan when bathing or showering to allow the steam to escape and prevent mold from forming. Taking these steps should help ensure your home stays as healthy as possible.

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