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What To Do With Old Nursery Furniture

Starting a family is an exciting time in the life of every parent. Being organized will make the transition from a busy woman to new mom smooth and more accessible. It doesn’t mean that it will be a walk in the park, but preparing and organizing for your new responsibilities can make a great deal of difference! 

You’ve created a tight schedule for you and your partner. A lot of couples rely on to-do lists to share tasks at home and for the baby , ensuring that everything that needs to be done happens. From meal prep to job delegation, you can keep your head around parental and everyday duties. However, you will soon meet a new challenge. Your baby grows quickly, and soon enough, the nursery room is not fit for purpose anymore. How do you keep your home organized when your child has outgrown the nursery items? 

Sell it on Craigslist or eBay

There is no need to keep the old changing table or the baby bed any longer. However, if your furniture is still in good condition, you can consider selling it. Clean and sanitize it, and take pictures from every angle. Small faults, such as scratches, should also be documented before you publish your ads on eBay or Craigslist or any other online selling platform. Ideally, you want to provide delivery services for remote buyers. You can use large item shipping services to get your cot or changing table to destination. 

Get your DIY skills at the ready

There is still plenty of life in a crib, even after your child stopped using it. If you want to preserve the memories, you could choose to repurpose the item. With a little DIY love and a fresh coat of paint, you can turn a crib into a low chair for a casual lounging look and feel. The crib spring can turn into a fun and practical memo board for your home office. There is a lot of ideas and tutorials online if you’re not sure where to start. 

No worries: You thought of that

If you’re still in the process of purchasing furniture for the nursery room, it’s a good idea to look for furniture that will grow with your child. Modular furniture can be up from baby years until adolescence. The advantage is that you can reduce furniture investment, and keep the bedroom relevant to your child, regardless of their age. Ideally, you want to invest in neutral tones that would fit in most decors and styles. 

Store it for later

Is your family still growing? It is a tough question for any new parent. You’ve got so much on your hands with a baby that it’s hard to imagine having a second child at the moment. However, give it a couple of years, and you know that you’ll want a younger brother or sister for your child. In the meantime, you can store outgrown furniture in a safe storage space. Ideally, you want a place that is dry and with regulated temperatures, such as an insulated attic or basement. 

Our babies grow up so quickly that the nursery decor you’ve prepared for them will soon become too small for them. But it’s not a cause for worry! You have plenty of options to organize old nursery items. 

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